
One Deck Galaxy

Created by Chris Cieslik

A whole galaxy in One Deck! Grow your civilization from space-faring newbies to galactic leaders in this solo/co-op tabletop adventure.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

One Deck Galaxy is FUNDED! It's also Fun. But not Ded.
over 2 years ago – Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 06:52:15 AM

Hello friends! Welcome to this first update from the Kickstarter Update-o-tron, a device constructed by, you guessed it, the Zibzab. 

We've reached our funding goal on the first day! That's exciting, and we thank all 1000+ of you who were chomping at the bit for some One Deck Galaxy action. 

Now for STRETCH GOALS! Graciously, the Zibzab have agreed to be our first Stretch Goal. At 70K, they'll add themselves to the game! Very humble. They're good rocks. 

If you don't mind, I'm going to go eat a sandwich. It's been a busy couple hours monitoring the entire Internet and Social Media Galaxy! 

Stretch Goal #1 Reached: Congratulations, its us! The Zibzab!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 04:35:37 AM

I have received the following transmission from Telbel, Zibzab card game envoy and ambassador to the tabletop world:

Greetings, Earth Humans! We are pleased to make the most fantastic announcement of all the announcements and updates that will be happening during this Fundcrowding Campaign: We are joining One Deck Galaxy! 

Now you, too, can relive the noble and industrious early days of our journey into space travel. Behold Braxicon, our homeworld. Did we convert it into an enormous spacecraft? Yes. We did that.

If you'd like, we could begin the conversion process on Earth any day. No? Too bad. If you change your mind though, we'll be here.

The Zibzab have been unlocked for all copies of One Deck Galaxy. Congratulations!